"As soon as I saw that Ferrania had made a new film I was quick to buy some rolls. I've been shooting "new" Ferrania since P30 Alpha in 2017 and the idea of something a little faster was irresistible. These are some examples from my first two rolls and they represent my world of photography.
As a photographer, I am interested in photographing people and spaces. Using the character, shapes and tones of towns and cities, I try to capture a sort of beautiful familiarity, something that we may have all seen before. With portraiture I am fascinated by the uniqueness of each frame, they can be memorable, alluring or arresting but each is a momenti in time and life." - Tom Sebastiano
"I can see in P33 a clear relationship to P30. sharing its depth and contrast but with a more forgiving latitude and practical ISO. I'm very happy with these first rolls and of course P33's addition to Film Ferrania family of unique black and white films." - Tom Sebastiano